Su-Jin Lee, Dae-In Choi, and Hyun-Kook Kahng, "Performance of Enhanced Mobile IP in MANET," The Joint International Conference on Optical Internet and Next Generation Network, 2006. COIN-NGNCON 2006. pp. 144-146, July 9-13, 2006.
該論文提出一種dynamic advertisement的方法,在MIP註冊過程中,也就是binding update時,採用AODV方式。文中提出兩種advertisements,一個稱為AASI (Agent Advertisement message with Short beacon Interval),他的advertisement範圍為一個hop;另一個稱為AALI (Agent Advertisement message with Long beacon Interval),有較長的registration lifetime與TTL。使用advertisement、可以轉送的solicitation(文章未提及solicitation可以被轉送)、以及active route就可以完成mobile IP的註冊binding工作。Routing方式是先採用類似AODV,發送e-RREQ,然後destination node replies e-RREP回source。
This paper proposed two kinds of advertisement (AASI Agent Advertisement message with Short beacon Interval and AALI Agent Advertisement message with Long beacon Interval) in foreign agent so that the AODV's scarce resources are not further burdened with MIP overhead and the required information is received on demand.